la #2.. lol
fait penser a la passe d'in simpsons, ou ske bart pis homer sfont pogner les 2 a sacrer des coups d'pieds aux mascottes...
14 Despite the fact that it's 103 degrees in the shade, his timbers are still shiverin'.
13 Last week he had 20/20 vision, but now wears a patch over *both* eyes and uses a seeing-eye parrot.
12 He's got this crazy obsession for Peter Pan, and he's not in NAMBLA.
11 While the sea chanteys and hornpipe made for a refreshing change of pace, you would have preferred that the cantor perform something more traditional at your grandmother's funeral.
10 "Arrggh! What be ye talkin' about, Willis?"
9 Even addresses that dreadful gnome in the tollbooth as "me proud beauty."
8 Every day this week she's insisted on eating lunch at Arrrrrrrrrrrby's.
7 He's banned from the strip joint after the dancers complain about having their G-strings stuffed with ice-cold doubloons.
6 On his first day of fencing lessons, he decapitates the instructor.
5 Just posed for a "Got Scurvy?" ad.
4 The bandanna, eye shadow and beaded beard are quite a change, but then nobody expected Ari Fleischer's final press conference to be the same old same old.
3 Hubby's got a wooden leg this morning. Again.
2 Insists that sausage mascot got what she deserved.
the Number 1 Sign Someone You Know Has Pirate Fever...
1 He's teaching his Rottweiler to sit -- on his shoulder.