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 Sujet du message: Iron maiden se font lancer des oeufs
 Message Publié: Ven Déc 02, 2005 12:02 pm 
Dieu Membre
Dieu Membre

Inscrit le : Ven Sep 26, 2003 2:00 pm
Message(s) : 1999
Localisation : Dans le passé de L J
bon c'est arrivé cet été :

résumé : Bruce Dickinson (chanteur de maiden) aurait dit kelke chose comme : Merci a ceux qui sont venu au ozzfest??? Non, merci a ceux qui sont venu au Iron Maiden fest!

Un autre show plus tard ,apres 10 minutes, ils ont commencé a recevoir des bouteilles et dautre déchets sur le stage et puis finalement, sharon et kelly osbourne sont arrivé dans foule et ils ont distribué des oeufs a tout le monde et ils (iron maiden) se sont faite canarder d'oeufs...

Sharon a dit que ce que Iron maiden on dit leur on faite mériter ce traitemetn

Ozzy n'a pas endossé le geste de sa femme et il a meme dit que cétait de manquer de respect envers des légendes du metal (en parlant de iron maiden) et qui condamne meme le geste de sa femme

Mon opinion : Tout les bands qui jouent au ozzfest (sauf ozzy et black sabbath) le font gratuitement. Tout les band de la petite scene (scene artiste de la releve) doivent payé 50 000$ pour pouvoir jouer. Sa serait tellement facile de traiter sharon de vielle sorciere... SHARON CRISSE DE GROSSE SORCIERE LAIDE QUI PUE (chu sure ka pu) oui les band se font connaitre la, mais criss quils se font faire de largent sur leur dos, hum, sa serait cool latacher pis lui crisser des oeufs, elle qui manque de respect envers la communauté metal au grand complet

Gone fisting

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 Message Publié: Ven Déc 02, 2005 1:12 pm 
Dieu Membre
Dieu Membre
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Inscrit le : Sam Mars 01, 2003 7:22 pm
Message(s) : 2024
Localisation : ---
Jsuis crissement pas d'accord avec ta façon de penser.

Tu trouves sa logique de cracher sur les autres bands avec qui tu joue parce que tu srais plus ''cool''. Tant qu'à moi, ils ont récolté la tempête et c'est bien fait.

Si y veulent aps payer 50 000$ pour jouer, yont juste à pas jouer là ...criss...yont lchoix, y payent pis y splaignent...c'est toujours la même histoire dla personne trop CONNE pour réaliser squi font. Assume de tes geste.

Pis...btw, squi donne un revenu aux bands, c'est d'être connu...faque OUI ça vaux le 50 000$ t'es pas d'accord...sparce que t'a pas la musique tatouée au fond du coeur...La musique spa une question de cash, c'est une question de tripper et de faire tripper du monde.

Heaven's Closed - Hell's Sold Out

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 Message Publié: Ven Déc 02, 2005 1:44 pm 
The pouiller the better
The pouiller the better
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Inscrit le : Sam Mars 01, 2003 3:20 pm
Message(s) : 6684
Localisation : Beauce
pas cool, têtes enflées... pas payant...

Je suis une saucisseuh.

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 Message Publié: Lun Août 21, 2006 3:11 pm 
Pure Evil
Pure Evil
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Inscrit le : Ven Déc 09, 2005 11:00 am
Message(s) : 4425
Localisation : Dans le ventre d'un grizzly
la réponse de bruce :

"It was my usual love/hate relationship with corporate America," says Dickinson. "Ozzfest is a corporate rock event at which they sell the front 10-12 rows to corporate seats and not to kids. Most of the bands pay a lot of money to be on the Ozzfest, they get paid next to nothing. The whole way it's being portrayed as being some kind of altruistic holiday for all the bands is absolute nonsense, it's complete bullshit. Most of the bands are there because they paid to be there. That's the way it's run. We went out and we were like, 'Okay, why aren't there any people down the front?' Well, because it's restricted seating and because they don't have tickets. 'What?!' That's fucked, so we said so. I said so every night. Some fat cunt with greasy hair sat eating his hamburger with 50 seats empty all around him. Where are all the kids? They're held behind the barrier and they can't get any closer, because that's the way the venue is run. That sucks."

Close-Up: Did you expect Sharon Osbourne to take the measures that she took?

Bruce: "No, I think they were extraordinary, weren't they? Childish and uncalled for, and quite dangerous, really, when you consider there could've been a riot among the rest of the audience. Extraordinary! She is obviously completely mad!"

Close-Up: You kept quiet. Weren't you dying to fight back in the press?

Bruce: "There's no purpose of starting a soap opera. I mean, she IS a soap opera. That's what she does, that's what 'The Osbournes' is, that's what this 'X Factor' and all this reality TV bullshit is. IRON MAIDEN is IRON MAIDEN, we don't participate in that kind of crap. We don't do [MTV show] 'Cribs' or the celebrity garbage that is everywhere, that pervades people's lives and they think is important. We don't do 'I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here', 'Big Brother', or any of that shit. So doing any more than stating the facts and let people make up their own mind is just playing to the press. It's just gonna create more crap. There was so much stuff on the Internet, there were so many people who saw exactly what happened. Let the people tell the story, we don't need to say anymore than 'Okay, this is what happened. If you don't believe us, you can find out.'"

Close-Up: An hour ago I was surfing the Net and did a search on Google on "IRON MAIDEN + Sharon Osbourne" and this comment from Blabbermouth came up: "I fucking hate IRON MAIDEN, but fuck Sharon Osbourne." You must've loved the aftermath of the egg incident. All of a sudden everyone, even people that weren't into IRON MAIDEN, were rooting for you.

Bruce: "I see what you mean. I think the key is that this was a collision between two completely different worlds. The world that Sharon lives in is of world of... She goes to fashion shows and her daughter is the new face of whatever it was, some make-up bullshit or something you put on your face. Vogue magazine and all that kind of crap. She's put herself in that world and done that by choice. And lots of people do [that] and they're supermodels. All those people have their picture taken on red carpets and appear in fashion magazines. That's not our world, that's not my world. I don't ever go to places like that. I'd rather have all my teeth pulled out and have nails hammered into my gums than go there, to a fashion show and hang out with supermodels!

"What we do is we are a heavy metal band and what we care about is our fans. That's it. So our strength comes from that simplicity. You know, what do I care if I never appear on reality TV? 'Fucking great, thank you! Can I have it in writing?' But in her world, that's really important. In her world, it's really important what you look like. In her world, facelifts are really important. In my world, I don't give a fuck. I get old and I get wrinkly. Who gives a shit?"

finalement, cétait pas exactement kossé javais dit

"La meilleur argumentation est courte et simple et ne s'enfarge pas dans les fleurs du tapis"

Dr Fern Fafouin

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 Message Publié: Lun Août 21, 2006 4:32 pm 
Metalhead/Headbanger/Bad Ass
Metalhead/Headbanger/Bad Ass
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Inscrit le : Dim Oct 17, 2004 10:54 pm
Message(s) : 1715
Localisation : 2020 du Finfin
J'ai toujours pensé que Sharon Osbourne était une christ de folle... maintenant je le sais


"A dream unchased is a life at waste" -AE

"Putting rap into metal is like putting a dick on a chick"

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