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 Sujet du message: Diablo 3 Item Generator
 Message Publié: Jeu Jan 15, 2004 6:16 pm 
The pouiller the better
The pouiller the better
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Inscrit le : Sam Mars 01, 2003 3:20 pm
Message(s) : 6684
Localisation : Beauce
Your item is:
Creamy Pig Sticker
90 - 120 Damage
Hit causes monsters to become disgusted


Your item is:
Horadric Refrigerator
45 - 89 Damage
Allows player to kill Deckard Cain

Je suis une saucisseuh.

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: Jeu Jan 15, 2004 7:10 pm 
Dieu Membre
Dieu Membre
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Inscrit le : Sam Mars 01, 2003 7:22 pm
Message(s) : 2024
Localisation : ---
Mexican Dirty Underwear of the Flying Squirrel
10% chance of a Taco Bell run at 4am
Summons Jose Cuervo
Hit causes monsters to fetch player a margurita
Enables flying
unable to attack

Juste pour le nom sa vaux la peine :P

Abused Beef of Godliness
Hit causes monsters to seek counseling
All monsters run from you
Baal dies as soon as you join the game

Abacus of Fellatio
Hit causes monsters to kneel

c dombin excellent :P

Testicular Testicle
Inflicts cancerous damage

Lizard of Wet Dreams
+1 to ejactulation

Pubic Hair of the Pimp
+3 to Pimping skills
Summons ho's

Pis là jtécoeuré

Heaven's Closed - Hell's Sold Out

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 Message Publié: Jeu Jan 15, 2004 7:40 pm 
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Inscrit le : Mar Avr 22, 2003 10:55 pm
Message(s) : 79
Localisation : Thetford
Broken Pistachio of Annihilation
4 - 8 Damage
Hit causes monster to explode

Crusty Kitty Cat of Frustration
87 - 230 Damage
-3 hygene
-300 to mana
All spells fail
+30% to throw a fit

ohh une unique!

The Scrotum
Butter Knife
100 - 200 damage
+1 to all buttering skills
45% toast resists

Dramatic Chicken of Tittilation
25 - 71 Damage
Hit causes monsters to have excruciating long death scene
Player's attacks are over-emphisized
Hero now uses "tittilation" in every sentence

et le meilleur a date !!

Chinese Mustard of Fellatio
8 - 9 Damage
Hit causes monsters to kneel

POUHAHAHHAAHAH :lol: :shock:

Some acientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say that there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that it is the basic building block of the universe.

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: Jeu Jan 15, 2004 7:51 pm 
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Inscrit le : Ven Mars 07, 2003 1:00 pm
Message(s) : 273
Localisation : Thetford Mines
Phat Axe of Booty
1 - 3 Damage
Grants 1337 53rv3r 4cc355
Hit causes monsters to put out

Thankful Bow of the Ghetto
8 - 16 Damage
Hit causes monster to say, "Thank you sir. May I have another?"
Yo.. you be smackin dem bitches up like it ain't no thang!

Fortuitous Shoe Lace of Wisconsin
1 - 2 Damage
20% chance of winning lottery
+3 to cheese making skills

Blackened Anal Beads of Filthiness
8 - 9 Damage
+6 flatulance
Unable to join a party

Ladle of the Rectum
24 - 14 Damage
Item can be weilded via anus

equipper un item dans l'anus...

et la derniere

Anal Beads of Sexual Positions
1 - 3 Damage
Player now is completely naked
When standing still will take many sexual positions
Can only be used by the Necromancer, Barbarian, Paladin, and Druid

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