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 Sujet du message: tshirthell hate mail
 Message Publié: Mer Jan 05, 2005 12:21 pm 
Dieu Membre
Dieu Membre

Inscrit le : Ven Sep 26, 2003 2:00 pm
Message(s) : 1999
Localisation : Dans le passé de L J
bonne lecture

----- Original Message -----
From: H. Jacob P.
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 12:23 AM
Subject: Love him or hate him, hitler killed a ton of jews

There is no reason at all to advertise the mass murder of Millions of
people. You do not condemn these actions but praise them. You have never
had any problems with a Jewish person. They are not a threat to you. You
are just an insensitive bastard that doesn't deserve to run a website. The
FBI is after file sharing people for breaking the law. They should really
be after you assholes for promoting hate. I hope you realize what a
douchebag you are and stop trying to sell things that will support racism,
sexism, or anything that causes one person to hate another that they've
never met.


(Editor's Note: First of all I have had plenty of problems with Jewish
people, including, I suspect, you. And if you don't think Jewish people are
a threat then can I assume you are denying the existence of the Zionist
conspiracy to rule the world and make everything Kosher, force people to
bargain and call their mothers? A world without bacon is frankly a world I
wouldn't care to be a part of. Secondly, if we removed all of the shirts
that support racism, sexism, and cause people to hate people they never met,
we wouldn't have many shirts left. I thought you Jews were supposed to be
such good businessmen? )


----- Original Message -----
From: samar s
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 10:39 PM
Subject: RE: T-Shirt Hell Holiday Thingy
you really are an asshole! dont insult muslims. we arent all terrioist! just
thought you would like to know that little fact. but hey im sure you already

(Editor's Note: I don't think all Muslims are terrorists. Certainly not
those fine looking black Muslims. Yes, they want to kill Whitey but that
isn't really the point. Those boys make me weak in the knees. You should
have paid more attention in school. Your punctuation, your
capitalization... they're terrible. Who's going to want to read your
suicide note? It will give them a migraine.

You're an idiot, and an asshole, and I'll bet you only get about 20 virgins
when you get to paradise: and I'll bet they gang up, hold you down,
and shove things up your ass.)


----- Original Message -----
From: MilkMan*** @ ***.com
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: T-Shirt Hell Holiday Thingy

You are quite possibly the biggest piece of shit on the face of the earth.
How the fuck can you celebrate the death of the people who are fighting for
your right to express your twisted opinions. These people are dying to
protect us, and you are celebrating. Satan is keeping a nice warm seat in
hell for you, right next to your cumdumpster for a mother. I hope you get
cancer you sorry excuse for a human being.

If you think you are such a tough guy, you should stop hiding behind the
computer and put your picture on the website. Because if I ever run into
you on the street, I will beat you beyond recognition.

(Editor's Note: Listen MilkMan, if you're going to run your mouth you better
be able to deliver. (get it? milkman, deliver?) My mother's in Hell? She
told me she was just going to the store for a pack of smokes! She's only
been gone for ten minutes. I'll miss her. And as everyone knows, my
picture is displayed prominently on the site, so if you really want to fight
a woman you big, strong milkman, I'll beat you like heavy cream. We're not
here to celebrate anyone's death. We're here to educate, inform and
entertain. Were just like Sesame Street, only we can say fuck.)


From: "Greg J."
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 12:30 PM
Subject: Photos of people with shirts..

I was looking in your 'high class whores' section, & really enjoyed the
pics of the cute girl showing her bare bottom in the 'stop staring at my
ass' shirt.

Could I get some contact info on her, please? I want to find her, fuck that
tight little ass & then stick a sharpened screwdriver in her ear.

Thanks & God Bless You!

(Editor's Note: No problem! Enclosed you will find her home address, a map
to her house, and a copy of the key to her front door. Don't forget to
invite me to the wedding you scamp! )


Sandra Bullock gave $1 million to the Red Cross to help the people in
Thailand. The Red Cross has returned the money saying simply, "If Sandra
Bullock really wants to help people; she'll simply stop making movies, or at
least switch to porn. We'd love to see her in some type of
interracial/bondage/gangbang thing. Sandra Bullock could not be reached for
comment as her mouth, ass, and pussy were stuffed with cock."

Snappy New Year


Gone fisting

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