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 Message Publié: Mer Fév 15, 2006 4:48 pm 
Metalhead/Headbanger/Bad Ass
Metalhead/Headbanger/Bad Ass
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Inscrit le : Dim Oct 17, 2004 10:54 pm
Message(s) : 1715
Localisation : 2020 du Finfin

"A dream unchased is a life at waste" -AE

"Putting rap into metal is like putting a dick on a chick"

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: Mer Fév 15, 2006 6:30 pm 
Pure Evil
Pure Evil
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Inscrit le : Ven Déc 09, 2005 11:00 am
Message(s) : 4425
Localisation : Dans le ventre d'un grizzly

merci tshirthell, cé lfun de voir que du monde on des couilles aux étatsunis

voici ce quils on répondu face a sa :

Dear friend
I hope u r doing good and fine...
since i am muslim .. i love my religion .. i request you to stope
making this kind of shirts.. it really hurts us ..

Thank you

(Editor's Note: Dear friend, i m doing fine and good. Glad u r 2. I'm
not Muslim, but I love your religion. I write comedy for a living, so
how could I not love your religion? Right now there are people
destroying buildings and burning flags because of a comic strip!
That's funny. The comedy practically writes itself. Now that I think
about it, I hate your religion. It's made my job unnecessary. Why do
they need to pay me, when there are headlines like "Cartoonist being
asked to apologize because people are rioting in response to his
cartoon." See? An entire room full of writers couldn't come up with
that shit.

Anyway, we are not going to stope making these shirts for a couple
reasons; not the least of which being that stope isn't a real word.
We have a right to make these shirts. I realize just because you have
the right to do something doesn't mean you should, but it's certainly
still a valid point. Also, we are not going to stop because we are
simply not good persons. I would've thought that was obvious, but I
guess maybe not to someone who thinks flag-burning and rioting is an
appropriate response to funny doodles. If our shirts continue to hurt
you, I suggest you try a different brand of fabric softener, or less
starch. Now, go tell your sister you love her before she gets stoned
to death for singing or showing her ankle.)

From: "Adeel"
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 8:02 AM
Subject: please stop it!!!!!!!!!

This is offensive and uncalled for You guys should have respect for
other religions. Your company should pull out all the shirts which had
the picture of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

There is fine line between freedom of speech and
offensive material. Please do not play with the sentiments of
Billions of muslims around the world on the basis of freedom of speech

You probably have already seen what's happening around
the world

We should be building bridges between our communities, not burning

I hope your compnay would take a notice of it and
would immerdiately pull out all the shirts having our
Prophet(PBUH) pictures on it

Thank you


(Editor's Note: It's a deal. Sorry, I hate this automatic spell
check. I meant, "It's Adeel! He wrote me an email!" We have plenty
of respect for all religions. We also respect other's rights to poke
fun at our religion. Just the other day someone was making fun of my
religion, and did I burn down his house and stone his sister to death?
No. Well, yes, but it was unrelated. It actually happened the week
before he did it.

Anyway, there is not a fine line between freedom of speech and
offensive material. The reason freedom of speech exists is because
whether or not something is offensive is subjective. Like, you might
be offended by a joke about your cousin raping your dad. Your dad
might find it hilarious (even if he didn't find the actual rape quite
so amusing). Someone might think your e-mail is offensive. 'Offensive'
changes from person to person, so freedom of speech defends my right
to say something that might upset you, my delicate little flower. And
burning metaphorical bridges kind of pales next to burning real
embassies, you know what I mean?

And if you really are serious about wanting us to pull these shirts,
next time use a minimum of 12 exclamation points. I think 9 is just

[So long]

The best things in life are free. Unless you want to pee in her
mouth: that will always cost extra.

"La meilleur argumentation est courte et simple et ne s'enfarge pas dans les fleurs du tapis"

Dr Fern Fafouin

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: Jeu Fév 16, 2006 3:27 am 
Vétéran senior
Vétéran senior
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Inscrit le : Jeu Sep 23, 2004 12:55 am
Message(s) : 927
Pour vous divertir sur leur dos :

Man, I keep expecting my room to fill up with jews.
> eh?
Yeah, it's an oven in here!

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: Jeu Fév 16, 2006 4:01 pm 
Dieu Membre
Dieu Membre
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Inscrit le : Sam Mars 01, 2003 7:22 pm
Message(s) : 2024
Localisation : ---
WTF is wrong with the Old Man?!?

Heaven's Closed - Hell's Sold Out

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